Regional Profile


“All trails lead to Kimball.” Kimball, the seat of Kimball County, is a rural standard for economic growth. Working in Kimball means zero commute and a low cost of living coupled with a warm sense of community and high civic engagement.

Population Demographics

As of 2024 the population of Kimball is 2,228. The population is expected to shrink to 2,150 by 2029 - a growth rate of -0.71%.

The median age of Kimball residents is 50.

The diversity index of Kimball is 34.6, meaning that there is a 35% chance that any two people selected out of 100 residents will be of different race or ethnicity from one another.

Housing and Income

The average household income in Kimball is $68,576 and projected to be $77,095 in 2029. Per capita income is $30,395, projected to be $34,939 in 2029. 1.89% of households – 42 – have an income of $200,000 or higher. Average net worth is $715,367 and the average disposable income is $54,222.

There are 1,189 housing units in Kimball; 678 are owner-occupied, 308 are rented, and 203 are vacant. The average home value is $139,971, with 19 homes built in 2010 or later, and 341 built in 1939 or earlier.

Business and Workforce

There are 187 businesses in Kimball, employing 1,147 workers and pulling from a labor force of 1,036 age 16 and above. 92 workers commute into Kimball from outside the county or state. Key industries for the area include:

926 residents both live and work in/around Kimball. The average travel time is 0.0 minutes. 15.33% people have a commute of less than 5 minutes while 0.32% commute 90 minutes or more each way. Of commuters, 814 drive alone, 100 carpool, and 0 take public transportation. 53 use other modes of transport such as motorcycle, bicycle, walking, etc. 67 residents work from home.

578 members of the workforce hold a high school diploma or GED. 235 have associates degrees, 167 have bachelor’s degrees, and 50 hold a graduate or professional degree.