About GBSD
The Ground Base Strategic Deterrent weapon system (The Missile Project) will be an $86 billion investment into the modernization and replacement of the ICBM fleet (Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile weapon system). The missile system is a land-based system with silo launching capabilities with the intent of providing strategic deterrence for our nation.
In 2020, a $13.3 billion GBSD contract was announced for Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) of the new project through 2029. At this time, Northrop Grumman is gearing up to find all pertinent businesses that can play a role in this project. In 2023, Northrop Grumman has plans to complete their first flight test of the GBSD system. They will be testing not only the infrastructure that supports the GBSD system but also the missile. By 2026, plans to begin initial production of the first launch facility will start. By 2029, the GBSD deployment is projected to start with more units being added through the mid-2030s. The GBSD weapon system is expected to remain in operation through 2075.
GBSD Opportunities for Our Community
The GBSD project is expected to provide many opportunities for small businesses in the Western Nebraska Panhandle. These opportunities will exist with Northrop Grumman, their Prime Contractor, as well as other smaller contractors who are working in the area for this project.
In support of its contractors, Northrop Grumman is compiling a list of local vendors for direct project needs as well as support and adjacent services like catering and entertainment. From food services and coffee shops to manufacturing shops, welders, and more, they want their contractors to have your information so they know exactly which businesses to reach out to for small or larger needs. They want their contractors to have a resource list for their professional and personal needs. No matter what your business is, Twin Cities Development (TCD) encourages you to register today.
Regarding workforce, the GBSD project’s estimated need is around 3,500 skilled trades people. Their current goal is to source at least 10–20 percent of that locally. The primary skill sets needed include plumbers and pipefitters, electricians, welders, and millwrights. Local high schools as well as regional colleges will be working on workforce development opportunities to be able to source this need during 2023-2026. If you are interested in participating in this work group, please contact Doug Mader with Western Nebraska Community College at maderd@wncc.edu or 308-630-6556.
Next Steps for Involvement in GBSD
TCD wants to ensure you are informed about what steps you need to take to be listed with Northrop Grumman. If you have questions you can contact Tracy Jerman, Small Business Liaison Officer, at tracy.jerman@ngc.com or at 406-564-5127.
One of your first steps will be determining your NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code by visiting their website and searching keywords about your business. Once you find your NAICS title, make sure to note it for future reference.
Visit Doing Business with Northrop Grumman and follow the steps for registering including the Supplier Information Form.
Stay In the Loop for GBS Updates
To keep current with the Ground Base Strategic Deterrent weapon system (The Missile Project), we ask you to check back here frequently for updated news on the project. Contact us to be added to the Twin Cities Development’s email list to have updates and information delivered directly to your inbox.