Vote Yes on Props 1 & 2 on November 5 to Support Economic Development in Scottsbluff
September 5, 2024
Residents of Western Nebraska will make their voices heard on Tuesday, November 5, when they vote in the 2024 Presidential Election. While voting for elected officials is important, there are also key ballot initiatives that can shape the future of the region. Two important propositions that Scottsbluff residents will vote on are the renewal of the City Sales and Use Tax and the renewal of LB840 — otherwise known as Props 1 and 2. Voting yes to these initiatives will continue the funding of economic development efforts and infrastructure in Scottsbluff.
Legal terminology can be complicated, so this guide will break down what each proposition says and what voting yes or no would mean. Here’s what you need to know to be an informed voter.
Proposition No. 1: Renewing the Scottsbluff City Sales and Use Tax
Proposition 1 covers the existing City Sales and Use Tax. When you look at your ballot, this is what the Proposition 1 verbiage will say:
“Shall the City Council of the City of Scottsbluff, Nebraska renew and continue to impose a Sales and Use Tax in the amount of 1.5% upon the same transactions within the City on which the State of Nebraska is authorized to impose a tax, subject to the terms and conditions of the Proposition as set out below?”
This vote is to renew an existing sales tax that has been in place since 1996. Without this tax, the City of Scottsbluff would have to raise property taxes to account for the lost income. The City would still be millions of dollars short with the property tax increase compared to the sales tax collection. This means the city would also have to cut services in order to maintain a balanced budget.
Research shows that 50% of the city sales tax comes from people who live outside Scottsbluff, which means half of the tax collected doesn’t even come from residents. People who live in Scottsbluff can enjoy the benefits of this tax while others contribute to it.
- Voting Yes means you support the renewal of the Sales and Use Tax
- Voting No means you do not want the Sales and Use Tax to Renew
Proposition No. 2: Renewing LB840
Proposition 2 covers LB840, which allocates a portion of the Scottsbluff City Sales and Use Tax to economic development. When you look at your ballot, this is what the Proposition 2 verbiage will say:
“Shall the City of Scottsbluff, Nebraska renew, continue, and amend its existing Economic Development Program as described below by appropriating annually from local sources of revenue approximately $1,350,000 per fiscal year, until October 1, 2035, unless extended by a vote of the electorate prior to that date?”
LB840 has been in place since 1996 and states that 0.25% of the 1.5% collected through the City Sales and Use Tax should be used for economic development efforts. The economic development tax supports Scottsbluff's general fund and allows for projects like developing parks and funding the fire department.
The $1,350,000 collected per fiscal year is an estimate based on collections from previous years and forecasting trends. Sales tax will fluctuate depending on consumer spending and the price of goods. When Scottsbluff grows (for example, when a new retail company opens) the amount of sales tax collected increases, which means the economic development budget grows. Continuing this program can create a positive economic development snowball effect in Scottsbluff.
- Voting Yes means you want to continue funding economic development.
- Voting No means you do not want to continue funding economic development.
Check Your Registration and Make Sure You Are Ready to Vote
As election day approaches, make sure you are registered to vote in the state of Nebraska and check the Scottsbluff elections information so you are prepared on November 5. Find your nearest polling location or request a mail-in ballot.
“The best thing every Scottsbluff citizen can do is be informed and make decisions based on what they want,” says Sharaya Toof, Economic Development Director for the City of Scottsbluff. “Be educated before you fill out your ballot.”
If you want to get involved with the grassroots movement to support Props 1 and 2, visit RenewtheTwo.com. You can be an advocate in your community to support economic development for decades to come.
If you have any questions about Pops 1 & 2, reach out to the team at Twin Cities Development. Book an appointment with Executive Director Jordan Diedrich to discuss the impact of these initiatives on Scottsbluff and Western Nebraska as a whole.