Managing Cash Flow: Practical Problem Solving


April 29 11:00 AM


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Managing Cash Flow is an interactive learning experience that encourages the participants to focus on cash flow management as an essential competency of business ownership. No matter where learners are in the development of their businesses, this webinar answers great questions about business and to get ready to interact with accountants to analyze the flow of cash in and out of their businesses.


After completing this workshop, participants will be able to: 

• Describe the purpose of cash flow management in a start-up small business. 

• Assess a cash flow cycle and make some cash flow projections. 

• Describe how a cash flow statement can help assess and improve the financial health of a start-up. 

• Identify some ways to manage cash flow in terms of managing costs and potential income. 

• Identify ways to seek out expert technical assistance to improve cash flow management.