Getting Your Personal Finances in Order

Event Promo Photo For Getting Your Personal Finances in Order


October 30 10:00 AM





This workshop will cover several important topics around personal finance management which is critical for your business finances. Topics covered will include:

  • The Basic of Budgeting – Learn how to set up a budget step by step for your personal finances. Following a budget will allow you to have peace of mind and manage stress around planned and unplanned expenses.
  • Understanding Credit – Review the basics of credit: how to read your credit report, how to understand the factors that influence your credit score, and how to build or repair your credit.
  • Importance of separate personal and business expenses. A brief overview of why it is important for you to separate personal and business expenses for tax purposes.

This workshop will share a lot of important ideas that you can use to make positive changes in your personal finances and set your life on a better course for the future. Getting your personal finances in order is important for your business success.